Layout Panel matches image .... options issue

Moderator: jsachs

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Layout Panel matches image .... options issue

Post by davidh »

If you try to load an image larger then the panel while Panel matches image dimension is set, you get the message Panel size exceeds output image size. Image will be cropped to fit.
However this will not happen and the message will pop up indefinitely. The transformation cannot be cancelled. PWP has to be killed.

Now, do it other way round and resize (make larger) the image that is already loaded in a Layout panel with the setting Panel matches image dimension.
The following Layout refreshing gets frozen and again PWP has to be killed.

The same happens with Panel matches image size in pixels. Have not tried the other options.
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Re: Layout Panel matches image .... options issue

Post by jsachs »

I do see problems with changing the input image after creating a panel for it that matches image size in inches or pixels, and I am investigating this issue.

I do not see the problem when loading an input image that is too big to fit anywhere in the output image. Can you give me some more details.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Layout Panel matches image .... options issue

Post by davidh »

Perhaps you did not resize it enough as I have just found it seems to depend on how much you resize.

1. Create a new file. I used 500x600 pixels
2. Add Resize, but do not resize the image yet. Click OK
3. Open Layout. I kept it at the default 20,32 x 25,4 cm
4. Add a new panel to Layout
5. In Layout change the defaut Fit in panel to Panel matches image dimensions
6. In Layout fo to Color/Image load the Resize transformation. Click OK to close Layout
7. Go to Resize transformation and resize the image to make it larger. I set the Width from 500 to 800 pixels. Click OK.
8. PWP starts refreshing the Layout and gets frozen.

The order of the steps 5 and 6 makes no difference.

When I resized the width from 500 to only 600 pixels it went through.
When I set it to 800 pixels PWP got frozen.
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