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by dvhirst
August 15th, 2020, 11:39 am
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Line, Arrow, Text Tool
Replies: 6
Views: 3250

Re: Line, Arrow, Text Tool

Thanks, that's the cat's meow! Very nice.

by dvhirst
August 14th, 2020, 3:46 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Line, Arrow, Text Tool
Replies: 6
Views: 3250

Re: Line, Arrow, Text Tool

Yes, that would do it nicely. Though I don't see how that accounts for what I'm seeing in the example I just uploaded. The spacing is good, before I update the text. When I update the text, the spacing changes...
by dvhirst
August 14th, 2020, 3:17 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Line, Arrow, Text Tool
Replies: 6
Views: 3250

Re: Line, Arrow, Text Tool

Noted, and used. Thanks. Still having issues with setting text margin... Behaviour is definitely inconsistent: 1. Place initial text box and 2nd text box; looking good. Image 50pct (Copy).png 2. Update text in 2nd text box; oops, spacing is now missing. Image 1427cr 50pct (Copy).png Not sure...
by dvhirst
August 14th, 2020, 2:32 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Line, Arrow, Text Tool
Replies: 6
Views: 3250

Line, Arrow, Text Tool

I am annotating an image using the Line, Arrow, Text Tool, and learning its functions as I go. It would make my life easier and my learning quicker if I could undo my misstarts. However, it seems that ctrl-z doesn't do anything in this transform. Would it be possible to add an undo/redo (ctrl-z, ctr...
by dvhirst
August 14th, 2020, 12:56 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Split Screen Vertical Support
Replies: 8
Views: 4062

Re: Split Screen Vertical Support

Jonathan, The last few sets of updates have really put the shine on a wonderful product. I was able to create the desired mask by working on it in 1/3s and then compositing the results. The action that really drove the memory occupancy up was frequent short clicks on highly detailed tree-line areas....
by dvhirst
August 13th, 2020, 12:01 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Mask Operations Crash?
Replies: 4
Views: 2457

Re: Mask Operations Crash?

I've been thinking about my process here. The 2-Color Separation step went through without any issues and I got a quite useable mask from that step. Now, I am working on the mask itself as a .tif image. I've just reloaded the mask, and with nothing else going on in my server, PWP has a memory occupa...
by dvhirst
August 13th, 2020, 1:21 am
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Mask Operations Crash?
Replies: 4
Views: 2457

Re: Mask Operations Crash?

I suspected as much. I have 16 GB of main memory and 32 GB of virtual disk memory on a dedicated partition. Occupancy, when the app crashes, is at 97% and it seems to crash when I attempt an undo operation. So, if I commit the edits every few operations, will that reduce the memory requirement or wo...
by dvhirst
August 12th, 2020, 4:43 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Split Screen Vertical Support
Replies: 8
Views: 4062

Re: Split Screen Vertical Support

Thanks, I think some time re-reading the manual section on masks might be a good idea.

by dvhirst
August 12th, 2020, 3:55 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Mask Operations Crash?
Replies: 4
Views: 2457

Mask Operations Crash?

Hello Jonathan, I am working with a pano image that is 21000x3000 pel. I had good success with the Mask>Separate on 2 colors transform, and got a good place to start building a mask that I want to use with the Haze filter. When I try to fill in the lower part of the image, I was fairly successful us...
by dvhirst
August 12th, 2020, 12:13 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: Split Screen Vertical Support
Replies: 8
Views: 4062

Re: Split Screen Vertical Support

Jonathan, the vertical split works a treat, thank you! I am using a two-monitor configuration, so mask controls are on the second monitor. This is also a great feature. (Showing Mask>Separate on 2 colors transform) My only confusion -- the top image looks like a mask, it is labeled with the source i...