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by BKrivoruk
August 9th, 2013, 11:22 am
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: White balance with PWP 7 RAW
Replies: 8
Views: 5830

Re: White balance with PWP 7 RAW

RAW files open fine. It is SRAW1 and SRAW2 which have this issue.
by BKrivoruk
August 1st, 2013, 11:34 am
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: White balance with PWP 7 RAW
Replies: 8
Views: 5830

Re: White balance with PWP 7 RAW

Kiril, I e-mailed sample RAW image with print screens form PWP 6 and 7.
by BKrivoruk
July 31st, 2013, 1:04 pm
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: White balance with PWP 7 RAW
Replies: 8
Views: 5830

Re: White balance with PWP 7 RAW

I start with Camera WB. Again, I tried all WB settings. Tried to play with the Color Temperature. Going back to my example with 5dII and XTI, I set exactly the same RAW settings for XTI and 5DII and results were much different.
by BKrivoruk
July 31st, 2013, 11:56 am
Forum: Picture Window Support
Topic: White balance with PWP 7 RAW
Replies: 8
Views: 5830

White balance with PWP 7 RAW

When I open RAW files from Canon 5DII, the images have strong blue-cyan tint. I tried various white balance settings, various tints - does not help. Images taken during normal daylight look good. Overcast or incandescent are blue. I don't have this issue with Canon XTI. I have taken the same image w...