B/W conversion

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New member
Username: Grob

Post Number: 1
Registered: 04-2008
Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 02:29 am:    Delete Post

Hi all,

I apologize if this technique was mentioned previously. I was not satisfied for a bit of time with the possibilities of BW conversion in PWP. Hovewer there is one easy way with very good results:
Tips comes from photoshop. Photoshop has dialog calculations for converting to BW. In dialog you choose two channels from RGB and Grayscale and set blending mode between them.
To reproduce this technique in PWP you have to extract challens and leter combine them in Composite dialog ...
Good results are with first channel RED, second GREEN or Luminosity and blending mode set to HARD LITE or SOFT LITE.
Results are same as in Photoshop. Rich contrasty BW images. Maybe someone could write a small tutorial on this kind of BW conversion and also try various possibilities with other than RGB channels.
Hope you find solution usefull.