ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Picture Window 3.5 Updates</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <link href="Temp/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></head><body text="#000000"> <div align="center"> <table ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="600"> <tr> <td> <h1><span class="sectiontitle"><strong>Picture Window 3.5 Updates</strong></span> </h1> </div> <hr> <p> <span class="subtitle">Note: The latest release is Picture Window 7.0.</span> </p> <p class="bodystyle"> Please see <a href="update70.html">Picture Window 7.0 Updates</a> for current information.<br> <br> The last PWP 3.5 update is available to registered users only <a href="http://dl-c.com/content/view/23/54/">here</a>. </p> <br> <span class="sectiontitle">PWP 3.5 Version History</span> <hr> <p><span class="subtitle"><strong>7-June-2005 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Added a new rendering intent: Preserve Identical Colors + Black Point Compensation. This setting applies only to the LCMS color engine. When used with the Windows engine, it acts the same as Preserve Identical Colors. Certain printing services expect this setting to be used when preparing images to be printed as it can improve shadow rendition on printers that do not otherwise achieve a dense black. </p> <p>Implemented Bradford Chromatic Adaptation model in Match Reference transformation. Also updated ColorChecker sample images based on new conversion routines. Max black density increased to 4.0. </p> <p>Added Soft Light and Hard Light operations to Composite. </p> <p>Changing input image in Brightness transformation now resets amount to 0%. </p> <p>Incorporated lcms.dll version 1.14 final. LCMS is an alternate color engine. </p> <p>Lightened background of browse window slightly to make image names more legible. </p> <p>Fixed bug in the Browser folders drop down list. Bug caused inconsistency in how folder names were displayed and sometimes caused duplicate folder names to be retained in the list. </p> <p>Fixed bug in Album resizing code that caused the aspect ratio to change when an image was resized over an extreme range. </p> </blockquote> <p><span class="subtitle"><strong>10-Nov-2004 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Fixed minor sticky settings bug in Levels and Color.</p> <p>Window Blink now gives error when clicking green button unless images are selected into both windows.</p> <p>Fixed bug in Stack Images causing probe to work incorrectly in curve windows. Fixed bug causing Stack Images to crash if curve window was opened and then closed before an image was selected.</p> <p>Fixed problem in Color Correction transformation when using a mask on 48-bit color images</p> <p>Fixed bug in Combine Channels causing possibly incorrect display of channel names after the first time the transformation is used.</p> <p>Fixed bug in Calendar for week begins on Monday in some cases.</p> </blockquote> <p><span class="subtitle"><strong>15-Jul-2004 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Fixed problems using masks with the Color Correction transformation.</p> <p>File Browse should now recognize JPEG files with the extension &quot;.jpe&quot;.</p> </blockquote> <p> <span class="subtitle"><strong>21-Jun-2004 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Added <i>Apply</i> button to <i>Mask</i> dialog to permit saving current mask without exiting Mask mode.</p> <p>Optimization to bypass color space changes from a color space to an identical color space.</p> <p>Added <i>Save As Mask</i> checkbox to <i>Color/Correction</i> transformation to allow saving the affected region associated with a control point as a mask.</p> <p>Updated to lcms 1.13  performance and other improvements.</p> <p>Fixed problems with saving EXIF 2.1 tags in JPEG files.</p> </blockquote> <p> <span class="subtitle"><strong>14-Mar-2004 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Fixed problem with Alt key not causing a scroll in preview windows if the Readout tool was active.</p> <p>Fixed crash in Resize when input image had width or height of 1 pixel.</p> <p>Improved grid display in curves so grid is visible against the histogram area.</p> <p>Fixed problem with Add Noise transformation  Gaussian noise was being computed incorrectly. Also fixed problem with new settings not being reset properly based on previous settings.</p> <p>Monitor profiles may now be selected as proofing profiles. This lets you use the gamut alarm to tell what colors are out of gamut in a conversion from one color space to another. This may not work unless the color engine is set to <i>lcms</i>.</p> <p>Fixed problems with Browse EXIF search.</p> </blockquote> <p> <span class="subtitle"><strong>21-Jan-2004 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Added new File Preferences setting to automatically bring transformation dialog to top after preview or apply.</p> <p>Added support for EXIF 2.2 tags in TIFF files - as before, only EXIF 2.1 is supported for JPEG however. Fixed several minor bugs related to displaying file comments.</p> <p>Fixed bug causing hidden mask window to be displayed after minimizing and restoring main PW window.</p> <p>Added setting to the Calendar transformation to make Monday the first day of the week instead of Sunday. Also increased the maximum font size to 1000 and now display month names and day letters using the current language (as set in the Windows Regional and Language Options control panel).</p> <p>Fixed problem in File Preferences causing the bottom two preference settings to be cut off.</p> <p>Fixed problem in File Associations command causing association to pw35.exe instead of pw loader.exe.</p> <p>Crop transformation now has option for 3x3 grid.</p> <p>If On Profile Mismatch is set to Ask and if there is no embedded profile on a file open, then the confirmation dialog box is displayed and the assumed file profile setting can be modified from within the dialog box (the default setting is the Assumed File Profile setting from the File/Color Management dialog box).</p> <p>Added Description (from File Comments) to Window Info dialog box.</p> <p>Holding down the Alt key while clicking and dragging on an image window now activates the Hand tool regardless of what other tool is currently selected.</p> <p>Fixed problem in Crop transformation causing resampling method setting to be ignored.</p> <p>Made some improvements in how Browse handles floating windows. Browse window size is now remembered. Fixed bug which displayed floating window as a docked window at the bottom of the screen. Print Album now pays attention to fixed DPI print setting under Help/Support Settings. Fixed small bug in serial number handling that affected standard version only.<br> </p> </blockquote> <p> <span class="subtitle"><strong>9-Dec-2003 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Fixed problem causing files not to open when launching PW if the File Browse window was open.</p> <p>Fixed problem causing the file pathname not to display in the Confirm Profile Conversion dialog box.</p> </blockquote> <p> <span class="subtitle"><strong>3-Dec-2003 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Fixed problem in <i>Color/Monochrome</i> transformation with 16-bit images.</p> <p>PW Loader now passes command line arguments through to PW.</p> <p>Fixed problem in <i>Color/Correction</i> transformation causing radius slider and readout not to be updated correctly after loading saved settings.</p> <p>The <i>Confirm Profile Conversion</i> dialog box now displays the pathname of the file being opened. This reduces confusion when multiple files are opened in one step.</p> <p>Fixed problem in <i>Displace</i> transformation that caused incorrect slider display when previous <i>Displace</i> setting was set to <i>Circular</i>.</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:3.0pt">Modified registration of upgrades. After an upgrade serial number is entered the user is prompted to insert a CD of a prior version. Previously the user had the option of inserting a CD or entering a previous serial number. <o:p> </o:p> </p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:3.0pt">Fixed a <i>Print Album</i> bug in which only the first page was printed when multiple pages were requested. Also found and fixed a memory de-allocation bug.<o:p> </o:p> </p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:3.0pt">Added an option to browse the Picture Window tutorial when PW is first run. The tutorial is now included as part of the standard installation both from the web and CD. There is also a new item in the <i>Help</i> menu to access the tutorial.</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:3.0pt">Hopefully fixed problem causing PW to crash when launched externally (e.g. by Capture One or drag and drop) with browse window active.</p> </blockquote> <hr> <p> <span class="subtitle"><strong>19-Oct-2003 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Filter and Monochrome transformations no longs assume gamma 2.2 working color space  they now get the gamma from the actual profile, if possible.</p> <p>Added a new setting to the Line and Arrow tool to set the arrow head size.</p> <p>Fixed bug in Halftone transformation causing incorrect application of masks to color images.</p> <p>Fixed bug in Levels and Color transformation causing <i>Invert clipped pixels in preview</i> not to work correctly with 16-bit images.</p> <p>It is no longer possible to open more than one instance of the Slide Show dialog box. Also there is now a warning if you try to close the Slide Show dialog box using the Window/Close All command.</p> <p>Fixed problem with PW crashing when launching externally (via double-clicking a file, dropping a file on the PW icon, or from another program) while a transformation was in progress. External File Opens are now queued and deferred until the current transformation dialog box is closed.</p> <p>Upgraded to lcms  may fix some problems with gamut alarm when using a proofing profile.</p> <p>Layout, Curve, Color Curve, Color Balance, and Color Line files now have their own separate saved last directory so PW will remember where you last opened or saved one of these files regardless of where you open or save image files.</p> </blockquote> <hr> <p> <span class="subtitle"><strong>15-Sep-2003 -- Picture Window Version</strong></span></p> <blockquote> <p>Removed references to <em>STI.DLL</em> which were giving rise to error messages with older versions of Windows.</p> <p> Fixed problem in <em>PW Loader </em>(the Picture Window launcher) causing DLLs to be copied in some cases when not necessary, and also eliminated errors when certain installed DLLs were marked as read-only.</p> <p> Fixed problem with not being able to read or write GIF and certain TIFF files that use LZW compression.</p> <p> Fixed problem causing <em>Out of Memory</em> error from <em>Stack Images</em> transformation when starting with no images selected.</p> <p>Fixed problem causing crash during certain browse searches.</p> </blockquote> </TD> </tr> </TABLE> </body> </html>