The latest version of Profile Mechanic - Scanner is now integrated into Picture Window Pro.
You can download a free 30 day trial here.
To access Profile Mechanic within Picture Window, select File/Build Scanner/Camera Profile from the main menu.
Profile Mechanic - Scanner 1.0
This product has been discontinued. The information below is provided for existing users.
Free Maintenance Release Downloads
The following maintenance releases are available for
Profile Mechanic - Scanner. Simply download and install the new version over
the old version or unistall the old version first if you prefer. Your current
serial number will continue to work with the maintenance release.
This maintenance release adds the following new features:
Added support for the new Macbeth ColorChecker SG target for digital
camera profiling.
Profiles now include both perceptual and colorimetric data - see updated
manual for more details.
Added advanced option to set color lookup table size (17x17x17 / 33x33x33
/ 65x65x65). This lets you trade off profile size for precision.
Added separate settings for reflective and transmissive IT8 and HCT targets
- output profile has corresponding bit set in its header. This bit is required
for some color correction software.
Added Rotate and Mirror buttons to allow rotating or reflecting the target
image. This shortcut is handy when you accidentally scan your target in the
wrong orientation.
Serial number now displayed in title bar.
Small circles for each color patch now drawn in gamut display over CIE diagram.
This gives you an idea where the individual color patches are located within
the color gamut.
Reworked Advanced Options dialog box to add more control over target
and reference contrast stretching also added buttons to
Reset/Save As
Updated electronic manual to reflect changes and to add more detailed information
on profile usage. Help button now launches electronic manual - help
file no longer used.
This maintenance addresses the following issues:
Missing profile description no longer grays Next button but gives
error message when clicking Next.
Modified contrast stretching code for greater accuracy.
Fixed bug causing wrap-around of out-of-gamut values in 3D CLUT encoding.
Profiles now look smooth using ColorThink's 3D gamut display.
Set hourglass cursor during 3D CLUT computation which can take a few seconds
for large (65x65x65) CLUTs.
Fixed bug in Eliminate Residuals for Lab.
Fixed bug causing wrong white point being output to profile.
Usage Problems
When I click the Save Profile
or Save Profile Log buttons, nothing happens.
This problem can occur if the Profile Description you
entered contains special characters such as "/", "\" or
":". If you remove these characters from the Profile Description the
problem should go away. This issue will be addressed in an upcoming maintenance
Profile Mechanic - Monitor
Please note that this product has been discontinued. The information
below is provided to support existing users.
General Information
How can I tell
if my display card supports color lookup tables (CLUTs)?
This is only an issue for Windows computers, so if
you have a Macintosh, don't worry about it. Nearly every display card released
in the last few years supports CLUTs which are required for monitor calibration.
If you are unsure about your card, you can download and run a small program
that checks for CLUT support by clicking the link below.
To run LUT Check2, just unzip the download
file and run the application LUT Check.exe it contains. LUT Check
will display a message box indicating whether or not your display supports lookup
tables. (Last revised 17 Apr 2008)
Vista Support
For Vista support download and install PM - Monitor
After installing PM - Monitor , you must also download and install the latest version of the CLUT Loader, as described below.
Vista/XP CLUT Loader
This is the latest version of the Color Lookup Tables (CLUT) Loader. It is required for Vista and recommended for Windows XP systems. After downloading, copy CLUT Loader.exe to your PM - Monitor folder. The default path of this folder is C:\Program Files\Digital Light & Color\Profile Mechanic - Monitor. (Last revised 03 Jan 2009)
When I click the Save Profile
or Save Profile Log buttons, nothing happens.
This problem can occur if the Profile Description you
entered contains special characters such as "/", "\" or
":". If you remove these characters from the Profile Description the
problem should go away. This issue will be addressed in an upcoming maintenance