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File extensions on Saving

Posted: October 10th, 2011, 4:17 pm
by dhrothstein
When I tried to save a picture after editing it I received a message saying I needed a .tif or .tiff to save the file. I have tif set a the default extension. I did not have to type the extension in 5.0. When I typed .tif PWP saved the file. Will the extension have to be typed each time a file is saved?


Re: File extensions on Saving

Posted: October 10th, 2011, 5:23 pm
by ksinkel
Entering file extnsions has not changed from past versions of Picture Window. The message you cite is usualy displayed when an extension that does not match one of the options has been supplied with the file. A file name ending in just a . (period) with no characters following qualifies as an incorrect extension.

If you continue to get this message when you feel you should not, please provide more specific information on the circumstances under which you get the message.
