Window position request

Moderator: jsachs

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Window position request

Post by johnp »

I'm running a two monitor system and I wish there was a way to tell PWP to remember
my window position preferences. I'd like some way to memorize that when I start a new
transformation that I want the dialog box to pop up at a certain spot on a certain monitor.

This could be a global spot, ie, I want all the 1st level dialog boxes to show up 'here'. It
would be nice if I could also memorize where a 2nd level dialog box (for example, a color selector)
pops up.


John P
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Re: Window position request

Post by jfoster »

If you haven't already, take a look at the "File : Preferences : Initial Dialog Position" setting pulldown menu.

Posts: 93
Joined: December 10th, 2009, 11:52 pm
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Canon 90D

Re: Window position request

Post by johnp »

Jeff -

I think your suggestion is good, but it doesn't quite work. I'm on a Win-8 machine and
it seems like it really wants to put the menu on the 2nd monitor regardless of whether
I select '2nd monitor' or "bottom left"

It's the right idea, but seems not quite correct. I have my main PWP image on my 2nd
monitor and have the Image Browser on the main monitor.

John P
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Re: Window position request

Post by jsachs »

PWP is designed to run off the main window with the option to drag transformation and other dialog boxes and the image browser to the secondary monitor. The position of the main window is saved between sessions, even if it is on the secondary monitor. I suppose it would be possible to add a setting to let you default some of the other windows to the primary monitor, but I haven't heard from anyone else trying to use it this way.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Joined: December 10th, 2009, 11:52 pm
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Canon 90D

Re: Window position request

Post by johnp »

So here's what I've done... I made my primary monitor to be my right monitor
and my 2nd monitor to be on the left. This seems to work OK and I'll adjust
my other work flows for this new monitor arrangement. With this, I can minimize the
window overlap and also minimize my mouse movement as I switch between the
Image Browser (left ((2nd)) monitor) and the main PWP window on the right.


John P
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