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Location: Port Coquitlam, British Columbia


Post by Marpel »

First, want to say the mask/brush behavior as instituted in the latest version is much better.

But a question regarding the Masks Tool - Is there a reason, that I may be missing, for the default setup for building a mask (single image, no compositing etc), to be the side by side format, and not just the single (Input) image?

In this format, I inevitably click on the Input image button, to have a full-workspace image to work on, then a second click is required on the Mask Dialogue to re-activate the brush.

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Re: Masks

Post by jsachs »

In side-by-side mode, as you update the mask you can see the effect on the output image immediately. It seems your workflow is to start by spending a lot of time working on the mask before looking at the effects.

I have also been working on letting you apply mask tools by clicking or dragging on either the output image or the input image. For a tool such as Mask Paint, this would let you in effect paint the transformation directly on the output image, and some of the other mask tools might also be useful in this mode. If and when I finish this feature, there might also be a case for displaying the output image only while masking, although this would mean not being able to see the mask's colored overlay.

For the next release, I added items to the end of the Mask Settings Menu to let you set what is displayed when a new Mask dialog box starts up -- input only, output only, split screen, or no change.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Posts: 698
Joined: September 13th, 2009, 3:19 pm
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Nikon D810
Location: Port Coquitlam, British Columbia

Re: Masks

Post by Marpel »

Thanks for the reply.

I may be a bit confused here.

For the Masks Tool (not the mask tool that can be generated when Compositing images together), I don't "see the effect on the output image immediately" because there is nothing (unless I am really confused) to see as it is just a single image, without any transforms.

It was my intention to use the tool to draw a mask on an image, often in some detail, which is benefitted by having that image full size in the window (and even zooming in). And, when the mask takes quite a while, I would save as an image file, to be re-opened and completed later.

It just did not seem to make sense to start with a Display Preview, then when clicking on the Mask 1 > New, the work space changes to a side by side with the image in both sides, which is of no value in this Tool. And then having to click on the Input Image only button, then again clicking on the Mask Dialogue to make the cursor operable.

But I see, in your reply, that you may have solved this issue with the next release.

So, my points become moot.....

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