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Cloning oddity after 'undo'

Posted: December 4th, 2021, 7:47 pm
by johnp
I was using the the clone tool (8.8.255 s/w version, Windows) and it looks like it works as expected
until AFTER I perform an undo (via ^z). The cloning after that has a black outline around it.


John P

Re: Cloning oddity after 'undo'

Posted: December 4th, 2021, 8:05 pm
by jsachs
Can you supply more details - does not seem to be happening here.

Re: Cloning oddity after 'undo'

Posted: December 4th, 2021, 8:29 pm
by johnp
Let me see what I can find. I'm using Win-8, that may be part of the problem.

It's a 16 bit B&W image. Previous steps included multipass sharpen and brightness curve.

I've attached two screenshots. The after_undo.PNG shows what I'm seeing. You can see the outline
around the area I'm cloning.

If I click OK to accept the image, then re-open the Clone tool, the outlining disappears.

John P