Brightness Curve and Advanced mode

Moderator: jsachs

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Brightness Curve and Advanced mode

Post by tomczak »

I think that the Advanced mode in Brightness mode is quite useful and flexible. I'm not sure how many users have discovered it, but it's rather buried in the menus. I already know where to find it, but I was thinking that maybe promoting it a bit louder could help users to find it (not quite sure how to do that, but one idea could be to have a link/button in the control panel rather than in the options?). It's probably ok where it is, but I can imagine having trouble finding it.
Maciej Tomczak
Posts: 367
Joined: April 24th, 2009, 2:07 pm

Re: Brightness Curve and Advanced mode

Post by MarkT »

First, thank you for pointing out Advanced Mode for the Brightness Curve transformation Maciej, I had not found it yet.

One suggestion is to save the transformation with your favourite settings in advanced mode as a Snippet.

I really like Snippets...
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Re: Brightness Curve and Advanced mode

Post by jsachs »

I did not want to make it too confusing for those who only use the basic option, but you can always set the default settings to Advanced mode if you use it a lot.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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