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Noise reduction in RAW

Posted: May 8th, 2009, 3:12 am
by bogumil
Are there any hints concerning using noise reduction in RAW dialog? What is the relation between "noise levels" and "noise amount"? Is it better to use high noise level and low noise amout or should it be the other way around?

I've been using these two intuitively but I'd rather use some knowledge here :)


Re: Noise reduction in RAW

Posted: May 10th, 2009, 10:26 am
by Bob Walker

I do not have any particular insights into the best way to handle noise levels, but since PWP uses the DCRAW RAW processsing engine (I think), you might get some ideas looking at Dave Coffin's website --

Bob Walker

Re: Noise reduction in RAW

Posted: May 10th, 2009, 10:40 am
by bogumil

Thank you for this information. I didn't know about the DCRAW engine - I'll surely dig into it. I'm a former programer so I'd love to see the inner workings of the RAW engine.


Re: Noise reduction in RAW

Posted: May 10th, 2009, 6:42 pm
by mjdl
Guillermo Luijk's DCRAW Tutorial is a good reference, though I'm not sure how many (and how) command line options correspond to the knobs available in PWP's Raw dialogs.

Other software (everybody and their dog are producing raw converters these days) often uses the DCRAW library as a reliable, fully maintained and up-to-date means to parse and decode the various Raw data formats, while using their own routines for the other stages of raw processing.