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Kolor Autopano is "closed"

Posted: February 10th, 2020, 9:33 pm
by Charles2
Recommended in PWP General Tips, but...
"Kolor is closed and existing Kolor products will no longer be updated."

Re: Kolor Autopano is "closed"

Posted: February 10th, 2020, 10:12 pm
by jsachs
Sad but true.

Some alternatives are:

Hugin (
MIcrosoft Image Composite Editor ( ... ite-editor)

PTGui (
Panoweaver (

I just tried all four of these are here are my superficial comments:

Hugin - somewhat slow and UI is clearly built on top of a command line driven internal engine, but results were OK.
ICE - usable and has nice autocomplete feature to fill in missing parts of the panorama, not sure how actively it is maintained
PTGui - the nicest of the bunch - fast with clean interface and lots of options - standard version seems OK for all but specialized uses.
Panoweaver - junk

Re: Kolor Autopano is "closed"

Posted: February 10th, 2020, 11:27 pm
by Charles2
jsachs wrote: February 10th, 2020, 10:12 pm MIcrosoft Image Composite Editor ( ... ite-editor)

ICE - usable and has nice autocomplete feature to fill in missing parts of the panorama, not sure how actively it is maintained
I have seen one update in the several years I've had it. But then, have not run into bugs with it, using it only three or four times a year. It seems confined to sRGB.

Re: Kolor Autopano is "closed"

Posted: February 10th, 2020, 11:47 pm
by jsachs
The last time I downloaded it was 2018 and it has not been updated since then,