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Texture Color 1 & 2 GUIs

Posted: August 19th, 2019, 11:30 pm
by den
Ref: PWP8 Beta 14-Aug-2019; Win10 Home 64-bit

The Color 1 and 2 dialogs for the Texture transform do not have the scaling selections for the HSV and HSL color spaces but does for the RGB color space...
Screenshot (3)-1.jpg
Screenshot (3)-1.jpg (54.98 KiB) Viewed 2206 times
Shown is DMeyer's Sky-Cloud texture tip from the "Old Message Board TIPs"

PS: edited 1 time

Re: Texture Color 1 & 2 GUIs

Posted: August 20th, 2019, 2:03 am
by den
OK -- from the Help for Color Picker, I surmise that this is intentional; is not a change from PWP7's Color Picker; and I have perhaps got confused with the scale conversions possible with the Read Out Tool... I was trying to enter specific HSV channel values in the 0-255 scale rather than percentages...
At the bottom left of the color picker dialog box, Picture Window displays the values of the three color channels of the currently selected color in the current color space. The value of each component is normally scaled to a number between 0.0 and 100.0. You can enter numeric values into these controls to select colors directly – after a short delay, Picture Window changes the numbers you enter to those that correspond to the closest matching color
It just that sometimes, I think in values of 0 to 255 scale for HSV and HSL channels rather than percentages when editing PWP7 curve text files and/or PWP8 curve script files...


Re: Texture Color 1 & 2 GUIs

Posted: August 20th, 2019, 5:59 am
by jsachs
HSV and HSL channels are derived from RGB values and do not run from 0 to 255 like RGB values. For example, there are more than 255 different hues.