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Slow Advanced Sharpen

Posted: December 25th, 2009, 5:37 pm
by oliverkalt
I have finally upgraded to a Quadcore processor and Win7-64bit. everything works fast and like a charm, except I noticed with the advanced sharpen transform, when I change to the sharpen tab, the progressbar gets stuck and it takes quite a while until PWP comes back with the finished transform. (It took long enough that on the first occasion I thought PWP had crashed, as did Win7). Once on the sharpen tab, any further change is fine and fast. The final processing again is virtually stuck for a while before the finished image is available.

thanks & a Happy New Year!

Re: Slow Advanced Sharpen

Posted: January 4th, 2010, 8:18 am
by keithrj
I have the same setup (quad core, Win7 64-bit) and just checked the AS transform. The only hiccup I noticed is when I change to the Speck Removal tab it had a very brief pause about halfway before continuing but the progress bar never reached the end! Other than that AS performed very well.

Re: Slow Advanced Sharpen

Posted: January 4th, 2010, 5:13 pm
by jsachs
When you advance from one tab to the next in Advanced Sharpen, the full resolution transformation from the previous stage is computed and stored so that previewing can be fast from that point on.