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Image Browser suggestion

Posted: January 28th, 2019, 7:24 pm
by MahnEngland
I sometimes move the image browser to my second monitor (it's in portrait orientation). Is it possible to have buttons to minimize and "expand to fit screen" in addition to the "X" close window function?

Re: Image Browser suggestion

Posted: January 29th, 2019, 7:30 am
by MikeL
I work like this as well, using my laptop for the image browser and my better, larger monitor to evaluate the results: seconded!

There are a couple of other minor inconsistencies:

1) the delete key does not work if the image browser window has focus.

2) the 'confirm delete' key appears overlying the main window rather than the browser window if you click the close window 'x' in a thumbnail.

3) the 'confirm delete' defaults to 'cancel' rather than 'confirm' and does not respond to <tab>. Together with 2) this means you cannot delete a transformation from the keyboard without a lot of mouse movement.

Minor stuff, but the ability to work extensively from the keyboard is one of the great design features of PW8 and for me deleting a trial transformation is such a common task that it would be nice to be able to do it without the mouse.


Re: Image Browser suggestion

Posted: January 30th, 2019, 9:00 am
by jsachs
For the next release...

I added a maximize box to the image browser when it is displayed in a separate window.

I also added a new Edit command to Close the Current Image with a keyboard shortcut of Num - (the key usually in the upper right corner of an extended keyboard). Trying to use the Del key causes conflicts with edit controls. I also added tab stops for the 3 buttons in the dialog box.

Re: Image Browser suggestion

Posted: January 30th, 2019, 8:36 pm
by MahnEngland
Thanks for the update Jonathan! The fit to screen works well. The minimis(z)e button doesn't but that's a detail!

Re: Image Browser suggestion

Posted: January 30th, 2019, 10:00 pm
by jsachs
A minimize button is not really necessary since you can use the buttons in the main tool bar to hide the image browser and then re-display it.

Re: Image Browser suggestion

Posted: January 31st, 2019, 7:33 am
by MikeL
Yes, thanks. It's amazing: make a suggestion and the following day it is implemented!

For laptops with no numpad I have modified an Autohotkey script ( to convert the normal top row <-> to <numpad->. Attached in case it might be useful to others (who can compile it themselves if suspicious of my .exe)
