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History and double RAW windows

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:09 am
by tomczak
Here is another esotheric recipe the confuses PWP and sometimes crashes it, but I don't have a consistent procedure for crashing. It's not much of a practical issue, but perhaps it may help in diagnosing related problems if they come about.

1) Make and save a workflow consisting of RAW and and some other widget (e.g. L&C), close all windows.

2) In Browse, Open and Apply selected workflow to another RAW file.

3) In History, Redo (L&C) Transformation --> RAW dialog opens, click OK --> second window with converted RAW opens; History reports two processed RAW windows: one just created, the other in the L&C chain, but not opened; L&C is not recone. Redoing L&C again doesn't work.

3a) Redo the first RAW transformation (i.e. the one in the L&C chain, unopened). --> RAW dialog opens, click OK, Replace current image/Run all the steps to the end; This sometimes, but not always, crashes PWP.

Re: History and double RAW windows

Posted: September 18th, 2009, 9:52 pm
by MikeG

Esoteric is right!

I note that you made no mention of a 'terminal widget' such as FileSave.
Assuming that this was not an oversight, I tried saving a worflow as you described. RAW, Levels & Color - and nothing else. I was a little surprised that it was possible to save the workflow, as it is not possible to run it. By not having a terminal widget, I wonder if you are 'stretching the bounds of the possilbe' a little too far?
A thought, only, as I certanly have no expertise to offer.


Re: History and double RAW windows

Posted: September 19th, 2009, 2:16 am
by tomczak
Thanks Mike,

Just a note on the save widget at the end: while it's true that a workflow needs such a 'terminal' widget when executed in a Workflow Window, it is not required if the workflow is executed using history or file open; it can be still there, but PWP ignores it, I believe. The workflow format is common for all workflows and sidecars, that's probably why PWP doesn't check if the Save widget is there when saving the workflow from the Workflow Window.