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Lens Corrections

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 3:15 pm
by gonzuller posts coefficient and scale numbers with its lens reviews for PWP. How do I apply these in the lens correction feature of PWP?


Re: Lens Corrections

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 3:44 pm
by Dieter Mayr

You can enter the vaulues with the sliders in Lens Distortion - Transformation.
Method should be set to Curvature.
Remember that you can fine tune the sliders with shift- clicking left or right of the slider to move it 1/1024 of full scale.

Re: Lens Corrections

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 6:54 pm
by MikeG
My Panasonic G1 lens are there. Great.

As the PW Pro co-efficients are listed on the site, perhaps a link from the PW Pro Help pages would be appropriate??

Apologies if there already is one. I looked, but couldn't find one.


Re: Lens Corrections

Posted: August 29th, 2009, 4:19 am
by Andreas
I completely forgot about this. It's a shame!
Jonathan, Kiril, I'm sure that many more users (also those who don't know PW yet) are interested in features like this. Wouldn't it be good to add a "tip of the week" (or month) to the PW homepage to draw attention to such things?
(I just revived a thread in the Pentax section of the dpreview forums, since this lens distortion correction is especially useful for the many Pentax prime users.).

Re: Lens Corrections

Posted: August 29th, 2009, 10:31 am
by ksinkel

Looks like a great site. Thank you for posting it. I am travelling right now but when I get back, I will give it a try.


Re: Lens Corrections

Posted: October 5th, 2009, 1:25 pm
by FAllen
I really like this feature, but wonder if there is some setting I am missing.

I have my lenses saved but find that when ever I open the lens distortion transformation and then hit load it defaults to my default file for images (this is,of course, my startup directory under preference), which is different than where I stored the lens files (I put everything but my images under the DLC PWP program files directory. This does not happen when loading a mask. It remembers where I have the masks stored (same place). But it does also happen when I use other transformations, including the Color Correction. Is there a setting to make other transformations act like the Mask feature when loading previously saved settings?


Re: Lens Corrections

Posted: October 6th, 2009, 3:17 am
by Dieter Mayr
Unfortunately there is no way I know to preset the directories.
It's on the wish list for a long time, but did not find it's way into PWP till now.
But there are future upgrades coming, so there is stil hope :)