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anyone use PWP on a netbook?

Posted: August 18th, 2009, 11:26 am
by jczinn
I am about to buy a netbook (strictly for travel, and I don't plan to actually edit on it, just want it for downloading and viewing and possibly discarding the junk.) Most of these units have a maximum screen resolution of 1024 x 600 and just wondering if anyone has tried PWP on one. I know some programs look for screen resolution of 1024 x 768 and won't even run if that isn't available. Kiril tells me that's NOT the case with PWP, however I'd like to know if anyone has tried it.



Re: anyone use PWP on a netbook?

Posted: August 18th, 2009, 12:34 pm
by Dieter Mayr

I do not have a netbook, but on my desktop PC, with CRT, PWP runs fine even when the resoluion is set to 600 x 800.
(It runs fine, but it's definately not fine to work with at 600 x 800 ;) )
So screen resolution should not be a theme in this case.

Re: anyone use PWP on a netbook?

Posted: August 18th, 2009, 12:44 pm
by ksinkel
One thing to keep in mind when using small screens is that most dialogs are scaled according to the default font size that has been set in the Windows Display dialog. So setting your font size to the smallest available value will keep your dialogs as compact as possible.


Re: anyone use PWP on a netbook?

Posted: August 18th, 2009, 7:25 pm
by kempster
I have an Acer Aspire netbook that I carry on tour, mine is the model with Windoze. PWPro works fine, on its 1024x600 screen, for review of images, I wouldn't try to do any editing though. The Acer has an SD card slot and a couple of USB sockets built in, I carry a small CF card reader that plugs in. The netbook gets used mainly for email and confirming onward flight bookings and arranging seat allocations. Mine has a small hard drive, 120G, so isn't much use for long term storage, but great for review. I've found it to be very useful and a lot more convenient on a long trip that a full-size lap-top. I've just carted mine through twelve airline security checks going to Singapore, San Francisco, Calgary and Winnipeg on a six week trip. Janet, my advice is when you buy a netbook (not if!), get a small wireless mouse to go with it.

Re: anyone use PWP on a netbook?

Posted: August 18th, 2009, 11:28 pm
by jczinn
Thanks! Good to know PWP works fine. I'm definitely getting one, probably in the next few weeks, definitely before my next big trip (South Africa in November.) I really just plan to use it as a download device (with, of course, a couple of external hard drives for back-up.) Doubt if I even need a mouse, but I do have a tiny USB laptop mouse if I need it. The newest batch all have 160 GB hds which should be sufficient. I would never edit anything on the road, nor do I need it for any work while traveling, other than email and facebook :) Most likely getting the Samsung N110.