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Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 3:31 am
by tonygamble
It's not clear to me what you mean with "Remove all Images" ?

In the Workflow panel at the top left there is an icon called Opt.

Click on it and it offers OK/Reject Marks.

Click on that and you are offered Remove All Images.

I have been using that to 'remove' my selection. I don't want to 'Delete' any images and I am not sure what the check marks are.

I'll try your method shortly as that seems to work for you.



Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 7:04 am
by Dieter Mayr
Hi Tony,

I can reproduce the bug you described.
When removing the images with Opt -> OK/Reject Marks -> Remove all Images it is not possible to reload Images via the "Add Files" botton. Drag and drop from the Browser does work without problem.

Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 8:07 am
by tonygamble
Thanks Dieter,

Kiril clearly knows there is a small problem there - so no doubt it will be resolved in a later upgrade.

However, there is a work around as you said - so we can live with what we have got for the while.


Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 11:46 am
by tonygamble

I select all, then right click in one of the selected image and clicking "Remove Images form Window".

Are you talking about the images in the Workflow box under the top line of icons?

How do you select all of them?

I've tried CTL A. I have looked int that Opt dropdown.

I can't find how I select all of the images.


Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 3:04 pm
by Bob Walker
To select all the images in the workflow box, click on the second mini-icon at the top of the workflow window. The first is the refresh icon (circular arrows), the one to the right of that, looks like a pencil with bubbles around it.

That's the way I do it all the time -- select all images, right-click on one of them, and "remove images from window"

Bob W

Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 3:29 pm
by Dieter Mayr

Bob described it already.
Screenshot_workflow.png (4.75 KiB) Viewed 10239 times
Thats the correct button, the one right of it unselects all images.

Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 5:25 pm
by tonygamble
Thanks guys.


Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 6th, 2015, 6:36 am
by ksinkel
I am travelling right now. I will test to see if there is a bug when I get a chance. However, you do not have to delete processed images before adding new ones, since the workflow tracks what has already been processed. Here is the explanation:

When you execute a workflow, the images that are processed are (checked) -- that is have a checkmark on them. If you then execute the workflow again, the checked images will be skipped. In other words the workflow keeps track of the images that have already been processed.

You can use this feature to elect a group of images and process the workflow against them. Then change some workflow setting, select another set of images and process again etc. You can also add images and process them without deleting previous ones. (Note when you add images, only unique images are added -- duplicates to images already in the workflow are ignored.)


Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 8th, 2015, 1:20 pm
by tonygamble
Thanks Kiril,

I'm getting the hang of how those checkmarks work. I see the logic of loading all the images you want to process and using the check marks to re-process with a slightly modified workflow.

I had a workflow that kept crashing PWP this morning. Not a complicated one. Three steps. Autobalance colour. Change brightness, contrast and saturation. Finally Save.

Each time I ran it the whole of PWP crashed. What I did was to copy the workflow into a slightly altered name and that workflow worked.

Is that what people do when a workflow corrupts - or might I be doing something wrong when I build the workflow? Again not a big deal as I seem to have found the fix.


Re: Using PWP to enhance scans from negs

Posted: July 8th, 2015, 3:40 pm
by Dieter Mayr

Workflow files are basically text files, there is not much I can think of that would be repaired by copying it to a new name then the name itself.
Did your original filename include some unusual characters (Spaces can be a problem, too) ?
Don't know of any sensitiviy regarding to filenames, but I try to follow the basic rules with my filenames (no spaces, no special characters), so chances are that I never run into it.