Bug fix release 15-Sep-2019

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

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Bug fix release 15-Sep-2019

Post by jsachs »

I have posted a new release (15-Sep-2019).

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Multi Color Balance: fixed problems with clicking channel tabs or curve control points when dialog box is resized. Also, you can now drag control points on the curves in RGB mode.

Scratch Removal: reworked transformation to handle curved scratches and to improve the interpolation. For details see the help or Transformations.pdf. The new version should work with scripts using the old transformation, but older versions will not read new script files that include scratch removal.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Bug fix release 15-Sep-2019

Post by Winfried »

Thanks for the enhanced/reworked scratch-removal.
A test with some wires shows a small problem and a performace glitch.
To to my test the function might not work as expected if the end or the beginning is at the edge of the image.
The windows task manager shows that during this transformation just one thread is used.
scratch-removal-01 v1.jpg
scratch-removal-01 v1.jpg (60.96 KiB) Viewed 3897 times
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Re: Bug fix release 15-Sep-2019

Post by jsachs »

It looks like you may have created several overlapping scratches that are interfering with the current one, since there are some extraneous lines superimposed on the image. If you remove the extra ones it should work OK, with the possible exception of a small piece of the scratch at the very edges of the image.
scratch v1.jpg
scratch v1.jpg (2.96 KiB) Viewed 3891 times
Like Speck Removal, there is no simple way to multithread this transformation. For short scratches, it's not really an issue, but for phone lines that run across a large image, the compute time can be significant. I am still looking into ways to speed this up.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Bug fix release 15-Sep-2019

Post by Winfried »

I found my mistake. I didn't understand how to create "the scratch-mask". But now all is fine.
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Re: Bug fix release 15-Sep-2019

Post by Marpel »

Just downloaded the latest update, specifically to try out the new curved scratch removal, and maybe I am doing something wrong or don't understand fully.

Attempted to remove a curved branch approximately 800-ish pixels long.

Shift-clicked at the beginning and dragged to opposite end to lay down the second control point. So far working as expected. Shift-clicked a bit along the branch from the first point to lay down a third point. The scratch outline changed and curved a bit to capture that third point. Shift-clicking a bit farther along and the bounding box now showed a straight line connection between the first point and the fourth, a straight line between points two and three and a third straight line between the second and third points (sort of like an X). And the initial curved portion disappeared.

Thinking I misunderstood the directions, I reset and laid down the first two points again, then tried to shift-click further points along that straight line (thinking I just then move each point to match the curve of the branch like the spline tool)), but that resulted in a confusing bunch of straight lines within the first bounding box.

And, on another point, is the highlight clipping box depressed by default? Even if I turn it off then close the program, it is on again at start-up. Can't recall it did that in previous versions.

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Re: Bug fix release 15-Sep-2019

Post by Marpel »

As an addendum, I just tried the tool again, but with a much shorter distance, and added a few points as in my first example. Seemed to work fine.

I then tried a few more times with new scratches and made the distance a bit greater each time. It seems the problem is introduced at a certain length, as it appeared when I increased the distance the problem started. And the branch is quite curved so not sure if that is relevant.

I should also mention, initially when I was having issues, I opened the help file and went back and forth between that and the program (keeping both open) and after a couple times of this, when I clicked on the dialogue box, PWP crashed and disappeared. Tried the same thing again and it crashed a second time.

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Re: Bug fix release 15-Sep-2019

Post by jsachs »

The Show Clipped Highlights and Shadows button state is saved and restored across sessions, but only if the session ends normally. If the program crashes, changes are not saved.

I believe the problem with long scratches is actually a performance issue as it takes much longer to process a long line than a shorter one, and there is currently no progress indicator. Until I can figure out how to speed it up, I recommend removing long scratches in sections.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color