Undo a Save

Moderator: jsachs

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Undo a Save

Post by Marpel »

I inadvertently did a "Save" to an image rather than a "Save as". I was asked if I wished to delete the prior image and replace it with the new version, but because I was not paying real close attention and thought it was referring to another image, I pressed OK (I had quite a few open images, which added to the confusion). Of course, within seconds I realized my error. I took a look at History but it seems that it could help with anything other than the operation I just described (I don't know enough about History and have never used it before, nor could I find sufficient instruction in it's capabilities). Can someone confirm and is there any way to retrieve the deleted image??


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Re: Undo a Save

Post by jsachs »

There are various Windows undelete utilities (try googling), but they only work to the extent that the file does not get overwritten in the meantime, so the less you use your computer the better your recovery chances. I assume you did not back up the image or you could just revert to the last saved copy.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Nikon D810
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Re: Undo a Save

Post by Marpel »


I'm not sure what you mean by "back up the image".

I started with the original image, made a number of new versions, saving some along the way. Decided to save another one of the versions to replace one of the already saved images, not the original. Found out I was wrong.

Thanks for the suggestion to google for an undelete program. Immediately after I did the erroneous Save, I realized my mistake and made no further actions, so the computer is in that same condition.

Posts: 4353
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Undo a Save

Post by jsachs »

Given your situation, disregard my back up comment.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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