PWP 7.0.7-32 -- Transform OPT: Save As-Load file Managment

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PWP 7.0.7-32 -- Transform OPT: Save As-Load file Managment

Post by den »

With PWP 7, there are a growing number of transform Save As and Load file types whose dialogs do not seem to consistently open to a 'default' folder location, often opening the folder of the transform's Input image or whatever was the last system open/save file location, then requiring a 'browse' to another specific folder... ...Note: File/Preferences/Remember Settings is 'No".

For Vista... ...there are folders [Badpixels (*.badpixel); Color Lines (*.cln); Frames and Tiles (various); Profiles (*.icm); Reference Files (various); Shapes (*.spline,*.poly); and Workflows (*.wfl)] for some transform Save As and Load file types located at: C:/<user name>/AppData/Roaming/Digital Light and Color/Picture Window

Partial Save As and Load file type listing:

Color Balance ________________________ *.cb
Chromatic Aberration _________________ *.ca
***Color Curves _______________________ *.cc
***Curve Files ________________________ *.crv
**Reference Files _____________________ *.ref
Color Negative _______________________ *.cn
Channel Registration __________________ *.cr
Color Remap _________________________ *.colorremap
Color Correct [Selective Correction] _____ *.colorcorrect
Lens Distortion _______________________ *.lensdistortion
Light Falloff __________________________ *.falloff
Tint [**Color Lines] ____________________ *.cln
Advanced Sharpen _____________________ *.as
Posterize _____________________________ *.posterize
Stack Images _________________________ *.stack
Mat _________________________________ *.mat
**Badpixel ____________________________ *.badpixel
**Workflows __________________________ *.wfl
**Profiles _____________________________ *.icm

**"C:/<user name>/AppData/Roaming/Digital Light and Color/Picture Window"... ...folder already exists
***Save As and Load dialogs open a consistent folder location, the last used cc or crv Save As or Load folder.

Would it be possible to 'user' specify a 'default' folder <path> to which a transform's OPTion Save As or Load dialog would 'open' without a 'browse'?...

...or suggest a management system for PWP7?

What are others doing?


P.S...I did not take the time to go through all the transforms and associated Save As and Load types but will if this posting is confusing and it would be helpful. My workflow is such that I normally with start with a transform's suggested 'default' settings, then will Load a 'generic' setting file if preferenced... ...I would like to find a better way then I have been doing to access the growing file types and their location that are used as 'generic' settings from the OPTions: Save As or Load dialogs.
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Re: PWP 7.0.7-32 -- Transform OPT: Save As-Load file Managment

Post by jsachs »

We have shut down new feature development for this version but will keep this suggestion in mind for future versions.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Dieter Mayr
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Re: PWP 7.0.7-32 -- Transform OPT: Save As-Load file Managment

Post by Dieter Mayr »

I save most of the files den mentioned in a separate folder (workfiles) on my drive for my images ( I have a drive exclusevly for my images and all stuff related with them).
So I would find den's suggestion useful for me.
Dieter Mayr