What do thumbnail banner colors mean?

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Bob Walker
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What do thumbnail banner colors mean?

Post by Bob Walker »

Apologies if I should have found the answer to this question in the help files. I did look first.

After a day of shooting, I process images using a batch workflow made of a script containing several transformations. I load the day's image files into the file open thumbnail, and start the script running. The (unbranched) script ends with a File Export transform, and all the intermediate processing steps have breakpoints toggled on. As it executes images, the banners that label the top of each thumbnail change colors, sometimes white, green, cyan, or a brownish color. Do these colors have some significance?

I ask because I see some "personality" in how the batch script runs, mostly that the script sometimes revisits an intermediate transform even though all transforms have completed through to the final file export step. I am trying to understand what's happening.

Bob W
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Re: What do thumbnail banner colors mean?

Post by jsachs »

The meanings of the colors are as follows:

cyan -- the transformation is being recalculated -- this lets you track the progress of recalculation after loading a script or workspace script. Each transformation should get executed exactly once -- if you have a script where this is not true, please email me a copy.


white -- the current transformation
dark red -- a transformation the current transformation depends on
dark green -- a transformation that depends on the current transformation
gray -- none of the above
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Bob Walker
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Re: What do thumbnail banner colors mean?

Post by Bob Walker »


Thanks, that's helpful.

Bob W
Bob Walker
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Joined: April 25th, 2009, 9:08 am
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Canon R5
Location: Los Alamos, New Mexico

Re: What do thumbnail banner colors mean?

Post by Bob Walker »


I sent a couple of emails to support@dl-c.com, describing more about the batch processing script revisiting some transforms after running each image through to completion. That was a couple of days ago, I thought I should check to confirm that was the right way to send more information.

Also, on the dl-c.com downloads webpage is a link to the "Batch Processing.pdf" manual. When loaded, an earlier version of the update log is displayed, so I am suspecting the intended manual got overwritten unintentionally.

Bob W
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