What is Picture Window Pro?
Picture Window Pro is a powerful photo editing tool designed
for serious photographers with demanding creative and quality standards. It
provides a comprehensive set of photo manipulation and retouching tools which
allow you to control and shape every aspect of your images and to create high
quality prints, page layouts, multimedia electronic slide shows and other forms
of output. Its new Workflow features allow you to easily work with the flood of images digital caqmeras can
Image Editing
• Full control over all color and black+white image
• Choice of quick and easy slider controls or full featured
curves and histograms
• Full support for 48 bit color/16 bit B+W
• Full color management support
• RAW file support — fully integrated with browsing and editing
• Powerful curves and histograms for brightness and color channels
• Advanced resizing algorithms including Bicubic and
• Blur and sharpening including Unsharp Mask
• Advanced sharpening with noise reduction, auto de-specking, & selective application
• Corrections
including chromatic aberration, barrel, pincushion, light falloff, perspective
• Selective Color control for adjusting selected
color while leaving overall balance undisturbed
• Image stacker for combining bracketed exposures for extended dynamic range
• Full set of freehand
tools — brush, clone, speck removal, dodge & burn
New Batch Workflows
Batch workflows allow you to automate many common tasks. Here are some of the things you can do:
• Apply repetitive editing operations to a batch of images
• Resize images for e-mailing or posting on the web
• Convert images to different file types
• Rename images with meaningful names
• Add EXIF descriptions and keywords
• Save images into folders based on date
New Load, Preview Images
• Senses camera memory cards and optionally launches image transfer workflow — helps keep your images organized
• Preview images in slide-show fashion
• Tag images with OK and reject marks to separate the keepers from the losers
Masking and Composite Images
• Extensive tools for creating masks (selections)
• Use of masks for selective application of most transformations
• Full support for composite images with precise alignment, rotation, scaling,
and perspective control of overlay images
Special Effects
• Posterize, tint, emboss, kaleidoscope, spiral, tile,
text, calendar and more.
Image Library & Browse Functions
• Thumbnail display of images — simply drag and
drop to open
• Create new folders and organize images without leaving Picture Window.
• Print
index prints, including CD & DVD case formats for archiving
Printing and Output
• Color managed printing with full control
over borders, image size and cropping in print dialog
• Poster printing
option prints single image over multiple sheets
• Slide show with sound,
captions & descriptions — playback via web browser for easy sharing
Photo Album
• Automatic layout of images in choice
of standard sizes — layout an entire memory card
• Very flexible
manual layout -- create your own photo essays, even whole albums
• Easy
multi-page multi-image per page printing
• Integrated with PW editing
functions — edit images directly from the album

I have used the evaluation copy several times to get used to the controls. I was extremely impressed with the quality and, a price that I can afford!
Have downloaded the trial, the best photo editing prog I've found!
I had trouble with PaintShopPro after years of use and was looking for a replacement. I like your product much better. Thanks!!
I have struggled with the complexity of Photoshop Elements for about 2 years and still don't really understand what I'm doing half the time. My good results are more by accident than anything. After only 2 weeks with your trial version I really feel that I understand what I am doing and how to use the software. Really like curves and masks. Thought I would miss having layers but now they just seem to add complexity compared to PWP. You should advertise more. This is a GREAT product priced at a level the amateur photographer like me can afford.
At last, a photography program by and for photographers!!!! Organized by process with everything you need at hand for that process! It's been years since I've had so much fun producing QUALITY prints!
Nice prpgram,easy to find my way around it,got p.s.p. also on trial,opted for yours because it's not as bloated,helfull demo too, do you have any support forum's?.
You're really filling a void!
I used the trial version - great product for photographers.
You need to advertise more widely!
The only photo editing software that I have ever been able to use!
Liked the extensive manual and white papers on your website, gave me a head start doing a proper evaluation. I also use PSP X, I find your interface and workflow a bit less convenient, but your program has more extensive control options. That's why I still bought it.
Very nice software, very intelligent and well-supported.